Wednesday, November 12, 2014

my leg is haunted

I woke up this morning feeling all sorts of awful. 

Cooking is not going to happen this week. Mostly on account of the haunted leg, but also this weekend I'm taking Dude on a belated birthday adventure. I will do some meal planning and whatnot and next week should not disappoint.
I was so exhausted that I made Dude make his own lunch (after his dinner of toaster waffles--don't judge, I still totally fed him).

He's wearing camouflage in honor of Veteran's Day--true story

I had a can of soup and instant mashed potatoes for dinner---btw when Lorelai was sick she had soup and mashed potatoes at Luke's every morning, so I'm still on track right?

See you next week!


  1. What exactly does having a haunted leg entail lol? Get well soon!

    1. Any one can have a cold. I thought the haunted leg would get me more attention....

    2. That would definitely do it lol!
